DB Support Snippets Video Library
Welcome to our Support Snippets Video contents page. Please click the headings to take you to the support videos for that specific DB Feature.
- Finding & editing pupil passwords
- Bulk password reset
- Understanding and using the 'My Class' tile
- Archiving and restoring communities
- Editing your community (class) page menu
- Editing the community page (displaying the blog and putting it at the top of the page)
- Viewing and editing the membership area of the community page
- Embedding a video from YouTube onto a community page
- Organising files in your community
- Community blogs
- Children viewing each other's blogs
- Switching on notifications for personal blogs
- Community forum (a great alternative way for pupils to submit work)
- How to upload files to a forum
- How children access assigned tasks/activities
- How to set personalised tasks (not from the Learning Library)
- Setting different types of tasks
- Responding to tasks
- Accessing the Learning Library and assigning tasks
- Seeing how pupils have done on tasks/activities
- Learning Pathways (creating a sequence of activities)
- Monitoring online activity
- Disabling features e.g. webmail for children
- Golden Whistle - pupil blowing
- Golden Whistle - teachers and monitors