Email Safety Activities in the Learning Library
Email within DB Primary
DB Primary’s email system supports pupils in becoming digitally literate within a safe and secure environment.
Safemail is turned on as default on all pupil accounts to ensure that pupils can only communicate with other internal users with whom they share community membership. All pupil email is fully integrated with the DB profanity filter and reporting features, ensuring that class teachers and whistle monitors have full visibility over the email communication taking place between the children. Any attempts to use blocked or flagged words/ phrases in an email will notify the class teacher and whistle monitor immediately, helping staff to address any potential online safety issues quickly and efficiently.
DB email can be used across all year groups to support with the teaching of Online Safety.
Activities in the Learning Library
The Learning Library contains a set of quality online resources covering the many aspects of E-Safety. There are several different types of resource such as activities for children to undertake as a class-based or individual activity, interactive teaching tools to be used as part of a whole-class input, and support materials to aid teachers with how the different activities can be used.
There are two activities in the Learning Library which are particularly suitable for teachers to use as part of a whole class input to help the children get started with understanding the concept of email and how to use it safely.
Email Safety Y1-Y2
This fact file begins with an explanation about what emails are and what they are used for in our day to day life. It then moves on to introducing some rules around sending emails, how to write an email (making sure to use appropriate language) and then finally, when to open emails and attachments. The fact file also explains what a computer virus is and what they should do if they receive unwanted messages or emails. This fact file can be used as a class-based teaching tool or it can be assigned to pupils as an individual activity.
Email Safety Storybook Y3-Y6
This Storybook tells the story of Percy who has received some emails with strange subject titles. To get the most out of this activity, children will need a good understanding of what emails are, when it is safe to open emails and what they should do if they receive an unwanted email or message.
The Storybook then asks the children to help Percy decide which emails are safe to open and which ones he should not open. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss with the children their reasons for why they should/ shouldn’t open certain emails and the potential dangers of opening emails from people they do not know. This fact file can be used as a class-based teaching tool or it can be assigned to pupils as an individual activity.
Learning Library worksheets
The Learning Library also offers downloadable worksheets to accompany the Email Safety activity and the Email Safety Storybook to help consolidate learning.