How can I design my Community Page to be as interactive and informative as possible?
Your Community Page is like an online classroom. The members of your class can access this page to contribute ideas, complete surveys, access the Learning Library, take part in forum discussions, publish blog entries and communicate with each other.
Your community page is a great place to share information about your current topic and any other learning you are doing. You can set up multiple pages by clicking the ‘+ Create New Page’ tab and this allows you to have one page for your topic and others for Literacy, Numeracy, Science, etc.
To design your community page just click the pencil icon in the top right corner which appears when you hover over the community page. You can then add content, documents, images, videos and MP3s to the page.
You can personalise your page further by clicking on the cogs icon in the top right hand corner of your community page. Here you can select an appropriate theme (‘Starter’ for ks1 and ‘Improver’ for ks2), add a skin to make your page look exciting and engaging, add some extra links to the community menu displayed down the left-hand side of the page, and personalise what is shown on your community page by choosing to display different panels, such as the blog, forum, calendar and surveys.
One particularly great thing to include on your community page is a Collaboration area. This allows pupils to contribute to the page (again, saving you valuable time!)
Put the hard work in their hands by asking everyone to contribute a fact about your topic. You can have multiple collaboration areas, so you could add one to your Literacy page, starting off a story and asking each child to contribute the next part of the story, and another on your maths page posing a maths puzzle and asking the children to explain how they found the solution. Whatever you do, make it interactive and put the children in charge of populating the page with their ideas!
Any contributions to a collaboration area will need to be moderated by the community leader, putting you in full control about what gets posted onto the page- helping you to keep the community page safe for all your pupils.