Is it possible to set more detailed and personalised tasks?
The Learning Library is full of a huge range of fantastic ready-made, self-marking resources that you can assign to the children as your class. Whilst these are great, you may occasionally want to set more detailed or personalised tasks to assess your pupils’ learning. These tasks can be set from your community page menu or your ‘My Class’ tile on your teacher homepage (by clicking the clock icon). The different types of tasks you can set include:
- Writing a document where pupils use DB Primary’s document tool to create and submit written work (a copy of which is then saved in their ‘My Work’ folder)
- Painting a picture using DB Primary’s paint tool to create and submit digital paint work (lovely for the younger pupils in the school)
- Writing a blog entry on their homepage
- Requesting the pupils to create a new forum or answer an existing forum topic
- Contributing to the community wiki page using a collaboration area
- Uploading a file (pupils must upload a file to complete the task, e.g. Word, Publisher, PDF documents)
- Answering a survey that you have created
Click the documents below for guides on how to use DB Primary's task feature.